Stud welding Principles and application

English Edition Volume 12

Stud welding Principles and application

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Artikel-Nr.: 180014

ISBN: 978-3-945023-47-1

Autor: R. Trillmich, Dr. Welz


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Stud welding demands knowledge and experience. The present specialist book is intended to offer help on this subject. In this respect, the spectrum extends from the historical development and the fundamentals via the appliance technology and the fabrication in the case of various applications right up to the quality assurance and the set of rules.

From the content:

* Processes for arc stud welding
* The various process variants
* Peculiarities of stud welding
* Operations and influencing variables in the case of stud welding
* Notes for design and fabrication
* Materials for stud welding
* Influencing variables and welding parameters relating to appliance technology
* Appliance technology for stud welding
* Mechanical-technological properties of a stud-welded joint and its investigation
* Quality assurance for stud welding work and applicable set of rules
* Testing of stud-welded joints
* Specialist personnel
* Occupational health and safety, appliance safety and maintenance of the installations
* Applications

English Edition
Volume 12
Mai 2016
R. Trillmich, Dr. Welz
1. Auflage 2016

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